(42) Scientific Committee Papers

Mariana Eidler

EFOOD24 Chief and FORK co-founder

Food Designer, Art director and teacher, directs the Food Design Lab and the Study Abroad program at Elisava, School of Design and Engineering in Barcelona, Spain. Co-founded FORK, The Food Design Organization, that provides alliances between Food Design projects and institutions. PhD in Food Design by Lisbon University. Graduated in Design by Elisava, and in Fine Arts by UB. Master’s in Branding at Parsons School of Design, NY. Pedagogical Master at the UPC and master’s Design and Communication at Elisava. Worked in NY with Milton Glaser and, in Barcelona, founded @tactica.barcelona to work in transdisciplinary, social and sustainable design projects centered in food.

Ricardo Bonacho

EFOOD24 co-organizer and FORK co-founder

Ricardo Bonacho has a PhD in Design with a specialty in Food Design from the Lisbon School of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. He is the Coordinator of the Degree Course in Hotel Management and Assistant Professor at the European University of Lisbon. For ten years, he was coordinator and professor of the master’s degrees in Innovation in Culinary Arts and Sciences and Food Design at ESHTE and professor in the areas of Marketing and Communication in several universities. He is co-founder of the nonprofit FORK-Food Design for Opportunities, Research and Knowledge and co-founder of Food Design Lab Lisboa.

Sonia Massari

EFOOD24 co-organizer and FORK co-founder

Sonia Massari, Ph.D., is an expert in Food Experience Design with 20+ years in human-food interaction, sustainability education, and innovative agri-food systems. Researcher at the University of Pisa (Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment), Academic Director of the Future Food Academy, and co-founder of FORK Food Design Organization, she teaches at the ISIA Design School «Sustainable Scenarios» and at various international universities.  Author of «Transdisciplinary Case Studies on Design for Food and Sustainability» (Elsevier, 2021); member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal on Food Design and Vice President of ASFS (Association for the Study of Food and Society).

Suzana Parreira

Suzana Parreira is an Assistant Professor at FBAUL (Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Universidade de Lisboa) where she graduated in Communication Design and, since 2002, has been teaching different courses in Semiotics, Cultural Studies and Communication Design. In 2005 she graduated from ISEG (Lisbon School of Economics and Management) with an MFA in Economic Sociology. Her PhD thesis (2015) combines the design and food fields, exploring the design process and the creative processes of haute cuisine chefs. As a researcher, currently a member of CIEBA (Center for Research and Studies in Fine Arts), she has been working in the fields of communication design, creativity, design methods, food design and food studies.

Sofia Almeida

Sofia holds a PhD in Tourism from the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) at Universidade de Lisboa, and a degree in Business Communication. Currently, she is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Technologies, Universidade Europeia. Professor in Tourism and Hospitality Marketing; Digital Communication and social media; Brand Management; Digital Marketing and Events Management. Currently is also Coordinator of Digital Marketing Master and also Director of Tourism and Hospitality area. Sofia is author of several international research articles, book chapters, participation in dictionaries and encyclopedias in the tourism and hospitality management sector. She is also speaker and event organizer in the tourism area. Likewise, she is training, consultant, and part of numerous international projects in the tourism sector. Sofia is a research member of the Centre for Geographical Studies, CEG/IGOT, Universidade de Lisboa.

Steven M. Finn

Steven Finn, VP of Food Waste Prevention at Leanpath, and Co-founder of ResponsEcology, champions sustainability in the foodservice sector. With 25 years of expertise spanning finance, operations, and supply chain, he drives transformative change. Steve’s passion for the triple bottom line—people, planet, profits—propels businesses to excel in the global market. His academic journey, including a Masters in Organizational Dynamics from UPenn, ignited his mission to combat food waste. Steve’s initiatives, from piloting public-private partnerships to publishing papers, showcase his dedication. A triple-degree holder and prolific researcher, he continues to innovate, educate, and advocate for a more sustainable future while making strides as a board member and philanthropic runner.

Maria José Pires

Maria José Pires teaches at Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies (ESHTE), where she co-coordinates the MSc degree in Innovation and Culinary Arts and Sciences and the MA in Food Design, and Coordinates the scientific area of Arts, Humanities and Foreign Languages. She is a researcher at the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES/CEAUL), where she received her Ph.D. in Literature and Culture Studies/Food Cultural Studies. She has collaborated with multidisciplinary projects: Gastronomic and Literary Tourism and Receiving | Perceiving English Literature in the Digital Age and her research interests are Literature, Culture and Food Studies.

Ferran Altarriba Bertran

Ferran Altarriba Bertran is an interaction designer and researcher. He is an associate professor at Escola Universitària ERAM (Universitat de Girona, Catalonia) and a researcher at the Gamification Group (Tampere University, Finland). His research investigates how to design technologies and experiences that enrich the socio-emotional texture of people’s day-to-day, enhancing people’s ordinary practices in ways that are both joyful and caring.

Rita Assoreira Amendra

Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa

Rita Almendra, a Designer and Full Professor at Lisbon University’s Department of Design, boasts a rich academic and professional journey. For eight years, she served on the Scientific Council at FA.Lisbon University. Currently, she leads the Design doctoral program and imparts knowledge in various courses, ranging from Design Theory to Sustainable Design. Her PhD, supervised by distinguished figures from TU Delft, FA Lisbon University, and MIT, focused on decision-making in the conceptual phase of design processes. Rita’s research, funded by FCT, delves into design cognition and its strategic implications in business. With a Master’s in Design Management and an MBA in marketing, she remains dedicated to advancing design education and practice.

Rick (H.N.J.) Schifferstein

Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of Delft University of Technology

Rick (H.N.J.) Schifferstein is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of Delft University of Technology. His topics of interest include (multi)sensory perception, food design, and experience-driven innovation. He contributed to 100+ papers in international scientific journals, including Acta Psychologica, Food Quality and Preference, Chemical Senses, Materials & Design, and International Journal of Design. He is principal editor of the International Journal of Food Design, and co-editor of the books Food, People and Society (2001), Product Experience (2008), From Floating Wheelchairs to Mobile Car Parks (2011), and Advanced Design Methods for Successful Innovation (2013). He is founder and director of the Food & Eating Design Lab https://delftdesignlabs.org/food-design/ in which staff members and design students work together to improve people’s interactions with their daily foods.

Fernando José Carneiro Moreira da Silva

Full Professor Emeritus. Habilitation in Design. PhD in Built Environment and PhD in Architecture – Visual Communication. MPhil in Color. Post-Doctorate in Inclusive Design and Visual Communication Design. Integrated researcher at CIAUD, being its President between 2009 and 2020. Supervisor of 150 Master’s, 85 PhD and 25 Post-Doc. Member of evaluation panels for ALBAN, PROTEC, CNPq and ANVUR. FCT coordinator (PhD and Post-Doc grants) (2007-2020). Three books, several book chapters, articles, papers and communications (Design, Color, Inclusivity and Research Methodologies). Member of several journal, books and international conferences scientific committees. Editor or coeditor of 5 books.

Francesca Zampollo

Dr. Francesca Zampollo is a Design Theory and Food Design researcher, consultant, teacher, and keen public speaker. Francesca is the founder of the OSFD Online School of Food Design© (onlineschooloffooddesign.org), and the co-founder of the International Center for Food Design (i-fooddesign.com). She is the author of the Food Design Thinking methodology which she brings to companies, schools, and professionals. She is the founding editor of the International Journal of Food Design, the first and only academic journal on Food Design, the founder of the International Food Design Society, and she organised the first, second, and third International Conferences on Food Design. Francesca earned a PhD in Design Theory applied to Food Design in 2014, she taught Food Design and Design Theory at London Metropolitan University and Auckland University of Technology as a full time lecturer and researcher, and now teaches in various universities as a visiting lecturer. Francesca runs and teaches at the Online School of Food Design where she works to promote the Food Design discipline through online and in person courses, workshops, events, etc.

Arlindo Madeira

Arlindo Madeira is an accomplished academic, holding a Postdoc in Tourism Management from IP Leiria and a PhD in Tourism Management from ISCTE-IUL-University Institute of Lisbon/Europeia University. Currently, he serves as an adjunct professor at IPLUSO and assistant professor at Europeia University. Additionally, he is an assistant invited professor at ISCTE-IUL and coordinates the Postgraduate program in Wine and Enotourism at Lusófona University. His extensive expertise and dedication to education make him a valued figure in the field of tourism management and academia.

Stefano Maffei

Architect and PhD in Design. Full Professor at the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, he teaches Advanced Product-Service System and Service Design. Rector’s Delegate for Social Innovation. He’s the Director of Polifactory the Fab Lab/Maker Space of Politecnico di Milano. He directs also the Service Design and the Design For Food Specializing Masters, POLI.design, Politecnico di Milano. He received the ADI’s (Associazione per il Disegno Industriale) XXII° Compasso D’Oro Prize for Design Research with Design Research Maps (2011).

Paolo Sustersic

The architect, trained at IUAV, Italy, and holding a PhD from the University of Southampton, UK, delves into interdisciplinary research intersecting design, architecture, and social sciences with food and culinary culture. Notably, he organized the thought-provoking dialogues «Re-pensando la comida: descomiendo Barcelona» in 2018, in Barcelona, exploring the multifaceted relationship between food and urban environments.

Ana Sofia Duque

Ana Sofia Duque has a PhD in Tourism, Leisure and Culture from University of Coimbra (Portugal). She is currently Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Degree in Tourism, at the European University. She is also a Guest Adjunct Professor in the School of Technology and Management, in Polytechnic Institute of Viseu. Her PhD thesis was about tourist satisfaction in historical centers and with this work she won a prize delivered by TCP – Turismo Centro de Portugal. She is a researcher in CEGOT – Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning and in CiTUR – Center for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation.

Aracha Krasae-in

Aracha Krasae-in is a lecturer at the Integrated Product Design Innovation (IPDI) program at Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand. He has a PhD in Technopreneurship and Innovation from Chulalongkorn University, where he also studied industrial design. He has worked as a designer and marketer for various companies, such as Siam Cement Group, Mahaphant Fibre Cement, and Loxley. His research interests include design for tourism, food design, and innovation management, and has published several papers in national and international conferences and journals.

Francesco Bombardi

Francesco Bombardi, an architect (Politecnico di Milano, 1997), boasts a rich academic background, including studies at ETSAB Barcelona and Domus Academy Milano. He currently teaches Industrial Design at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Francesco is a visionary, founding Fab Lab Reggio Emilia in 2012 and spearheading innovative projects like «Officucina» for the Food Innovation Program and the Design Thinking Area for Barilla. His accolades include curating exhibitions and receiving awards for projects like LABolla. Continuously pushing boundaries, he explores digital fabrication in learning environments and Food Design for Space Economy. Francesco also co-directs the Master Design for Food at Polidesign – Politecnico di Milano.

Franco Fassio

Franco Fassio, PhD in Design Culture from the Polytechnic of Turin, embodies a multifaceted expertise in systemic food design. As Associate Professor at the University of Gastronomic Science of Pollenzo, he spearheads sustainability initiatives and directs the Specializing Master in Design For Food. In his role as Executive Director of UNISG’s Sustainability and Circular Economy Laboratory, he leads groundbreaking projects such as the Systemic Event Design for Slow Food. With a focus on EU research projects like H2020 «Fusilli» and «School Food For Change,» and the Life Program «Life Foster,» Franco champions sustainability in food systems. His acclaimed scientific studies, including «Circular Economy for Food,» underscore his global impact, recognized through prestigious awards like the Milan Pact Award 2018 and the Green Inspiration Award 2012.

Valentina Rognoli

Associate Professor at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano, she is a pioneer in the field of Materials Design, boasting nearly two decades of experience. Her PhD research, which explored the expressive-sensory dimensions of materials in design, was groundbreaking. Her focus areas include innovative topics such as Living and Biofabricated Materials, DIY Materials, Materials from Waste, Materials Education, and Materials Designer. As a co-founder of the Materials Experience Lab and leader of the Materials for Transition group, she is globally recognized for her foundational work and contributions to the field.

Francesca Galli

As a seasoned researcher with a decade of experience, I’ve contributed to international, national, and regional projects, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration with societal and policy stakeholders. My efforts have yielded nearly 20 scientific publications, alongside book chapters and academic contributions. Holding a PhD in ‘Economics and Territory’ from the University of Tuscia, Italy, my focus on multi-criteria assessment of Protected Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications has deepened my understanding of contemporary agri-food systems. Currently, I serve as a researcher at the University of Pisa’s Department of Agriculture Food and Environment, engaging in EU-funded H2020 projects and teaching a master’s course on ‘Food Policies’.

Pedro Reissig

Pedro, born in Buenos Aires and a former New Yorker until 1991, embodies a diverse creative journey. A self-taught carpenter turned architect, he holds a PhD in Design from the University of Buenos Aires. Balancing academia with practical design, Pedro’s work spans cultural and specialized media, showcasing his entrepreneurial flair. From his early NYC studio to pioneering ventures like Vacavaliente and Nudo Design, his «techno-morphology» approach defines his innovative projects. Over the last decade, he’s delved into Food Design, garnering global acclaim. His designs grace prestigious venues worldwide, from the MoMA store to Tokyo’s Mori Art Museum, marking a testament to his dynamic exploration of form and structure.

Catarina Prista


Catarina Prista serves as an Auxiliar Professor at ISA/ULisboa, specializing in Functional Microbiology and Fermented Foods. Beyond teaching, she conducts extensive research in these domains, fostering a deep understanding among students. With a fervent passion for her field, she empowers students to explore microbial ecosystems and harness fermentation’s transformative potential in food production. Catarina’s commitment to academic excellence and innovative teaching methodologies establishes her as a leading authority, shaping the next generation of microbiologists and food scientists.

Ivan Bursztyn

Department of Gastronomy at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

A seasoned designer, equipped with both a master’s and doctorate in production engineering, assumes the role of Editor-in-Chief at the esteemed Journal Revista Mangút: Coneções Gastronômicas. With a profound understanding of design and engineering principles, they oversee the publication’s editorial direction and content curation. Their expertise bridges the realms of design, engineering, and gastronomy, enriching the journal’s discourse with interdisciplinary insights. Through their leadership, Revista Mangút thrives as a platform for exploring the intricate connections between culinary arts and various fields, fostering meaningful dialogues and advancing knowledge at the intersection of design and gastronomy.

Cláudia Viegas

Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa

Cláudia Viegas is a nutritionist, and senior lecturer at Lisbon ESTeSL, IPL, teaching the Dietetics and Nutrition. She has experience in Food Service, auditing catering units, training in hygiene and food safety, and management of the Quality Assurance System. Other skills and experience include teaching at Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies where she developed transdisciplinary projects integrating Nutrition and Cooking Skills. Her main research interests are related to Public Health concerning Food, Nutrition and Lifestyles, specifically, the strategies that allow people to engage in good and tasty real food, to promote planetary nutrition, health and sustainability.

Ivana Cavoski

Meditteranean Agronomic Institute of Bari CIHEAM Bari

Ivana Cavoski, a specialist in organic food, design thinking, innovative food, sustainability, and health, brings a wealth of expertise to her field. With a deep understanding of organic food production and its impact on health and the environment, she advocates for sustainable practices and innovative solutions. Her proficiency in design thinking allows her to approach food-related challenges with creativity and strategic insight. Through her work, Ivana contributes to shaping a healthier, more sustainable food system, driving positive change in both local and global contexts. Her dedication to advancing these critical areas underscores her commitment to creating a better future for all.

Mariana Sanchez Salvador


Mariana Sanchez Salvador is an architect and foodscape researcher, exploring how the spaces we inhabit are transformed by food. Her book ‘Arquitectura e Comensalidade’ explores the interconnection between domestic architecture and food activities (Architect Quelhas dos Santos Prize), while her PhD in Urban Studies (ISCTE-IUL + NOVA.FCSH) describes the historical evolution of the Foodscape of Lisbon, by mapping production spaces, ancient food routes, markets and food shops. Author of several publications, Mariana has been invited to international conferences, open classes and public events, and interviewed for newspapers, radio stations and podcasts. She has also contributed to artistic publications, exhibitions and Architecture and Design biennales.

Ricardo Yudi Akiyoshi


As a Ph.D. in Design, a professor of Gastronomy at UFCSPA, a food designer at S3FoodLab, and a co-owner of Bar Justo in Porto Alegre, I specialize in various facets of the culinary world. My expertise spans the creation of food design concepts, implementation of creative methodologies, in-depth market analysis, and identification of super trends. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, I continuously strive to push the boundaries of gastronomy, blending artistic creativity with culinary expertise to deliver unique and memorable dining experiences. Through my multifaceted roles, I aim to inspire and elevate the culinary landscape, enriching both local and global gastronomic cultures.

Cristina Taverner


Elisava’s Academic Director holds a Bachelor of Arts and Design from the University of Southampton (UK), specializing in engineering with a Master’s in Design and Product Development from ETSEIB-UPC in Barcelona. She completed the Executive Development Program at IESE Business School and specialized in research with two postgraduate degrees. She developed her doctoral thesis at the University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Architecture, earning a Ph.D. in Design (with honors) in January 2023. Fluent in Catalan, Spanish, and English, she is also the President of her IESE Business School promotion in Barcelona.

Silvana Juri

SARAS Institute (Uruguay) / Stockholm Resilience Centre (Sweden)

Silvana is a postdoctoral researcher at the South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (Uruguay) and the Stockholm Resilience Center (Sweden) working on food system transformations through a gastronomy lens. She holds a PhD in Transition Design (Carnegie Mellon University; USA) and an MA in Sustainable Design (University of Brighton; UK). Silvana’s research focuses on transdisciplinarity, sustainability transformations, co-creation, futures thinking, resilience and food systems. She is a member of the Latin American Network of Food Design and the editorial board of its journal.

Fabio Parasecoli

New York University

Fabio Parasecoli, a distinguished figure in academia, serves as Professor of Food Studies at New York University, Steinhardt. Additionally, he holds a fellowship at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His scholarly pursuits delve into the intricate cultural politics surrounding food, with a keen focus on its portrayal in media, design, and heritage. Through his research, Fabio illuminates the profound influence of food on society, unraveling its significance in shaping cultural identities and narratives. As a thought leader in his field, he continues to enrich scholarly discourse and deepen our understanding of the complex interplay between food and culture.

Eleonora Fiore

University of Parma

Graduated in Ecodesign and holding a PhD in Management, Production, and Design from the Politecnico di Torino, she is a professor and researcher in Design at the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Parma (UNIPR). Her research focuses on the food system, from sustainable supply chain management to packaging, enhancing food design and reducing food waste. She is author of numerous scientific articles and part of CIPAK (Interdepartmental Center for Packaging), SID (Italian Design Society), and SDA (Systemic Design Association). Throughout her career, she has conducted scientific research and teaching periods at foreign universities in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Patrizia Marti

University of Siena

Patrizia Marti is Associate Professor of Experience Design at the University of Siena.
She is Director and Rector’s delegate of Santa Chiara Fab Lab (www.scfablab.unisi.it) where she manages several participatory innovation projects with external partners. She is responsible for a Kitchen Lab, a kitchen-laboratory which aims to bring innovation in the field of food processing, integrating the potential of a traditional kitchen with the use of innovative technologies.
Patrizia has an interdisciplinary background in design, philosophy and computing and a Ph.D. in Interaction Design. Her research activity concerns designing systems facing cultural, aesthetic and social issues through virtual and embodied experiences.

Esha Sulakhe

MIT Institute of Design

Esha, a passionate food designer, finds joy in uncovering the connections between food and design through research and multi-sensory experiences. Her dedication is evident as she pursues a Ph.D. in Food Design, merging her love for food with her design sensibilities. Prior to academia, she excelled as a Lead Experience Designer at Infosys, where she crafted holistic experiences blending design and technology. Armed with a Master’s in Design Management from MIT Institute of Design and dual Bachelor’s degrees in Culinary Arts, Esha’s journey from pastry chef to advocate for design sustainability reflects her insatiable curiosity and commitment to creating better patterns in human lives.

Sònia Pineda Hernández


As a High-Performance and Sport Neuropsychologist, I serve as the Academic Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences at CETT-UB, Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality, and Gastronomy, Spain. My academic journey encompasses a Degree in Psychology from Universitat Ramon Llull, a PhD in Sport Neuropsychology (Neurosciences) at INEFC Barcelona, and multiple Master’s degrees in Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Sport Nutrition and Dietary, European Master of Sports Coaching, and Sport Performance: Tecnification and High Level (RETAN). With a wealth of experience as a professor and author of international research articles, I continue to drive excellence in education and research in the fields of psychology, nutrition, and sport science.

Elsa Cristina Carona de Sousa Lamy

University of Evora

Assistant Researcher in MED – University of Evora, Elsa Lamy works in the biological determinants of eating behavior, with a particular focus on food oral perception and saliva biochemistry. She is particularly interested in understanding the basis of food acceptance and choices, particularly in the case of plant-based diets. In the last years she has been involved in projects about sustainable food patterns, including in the European Knowledge Hub on Food Nutrition and Security (SYSTEMIC). Is actual co-coordinator of the national hub of high school institutions for the promotion of Mediterranean Diet. Has experience in PhD, master and BSc students supervision. Associate editor in BMC Nutrition and Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, E. Lamy is also co-author of 3 books, several book chapters and scientific articles in international indexed peer-reviewed journals.

Maria Manuela Mendes Guerra

Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril / CiTUR

As a Professor at ESHTE and a Member of CITUR (Center for Research, Development, and Innovation in Tourism), I am deeply engaged in research activities focused on Food Science & Technology. My primary interests lie in Food Innovation, Quality, and Food Safety, with a special emphasis on gastronomy. Through my work, I aim to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these areas, exploring novel approaches to food production, ensuring high standards of quality and safety, and celebrating the rich culinary traditions that shape our gastronomic experiences.

Paula Trigueiros

Lab2PT e EAAD - Universidade do Minho

As an inclusive design lecturer and researcher, my focus encompasses user experience (UX), interaction design, and social innovation. Through my work, I strive to promote accessibility and inclusivity in design, ensuring that products and services are usable by as wide a range of people as possible. By integrating principles of inclusive design into UX and interaction design processes, I aim to create solutions that address the diverse needs of users, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. Additionally, my research explores the intersection of design and social innovation, seeking to drive positive change and improve quality of life for all individuals in society.

Sonja Stummerer

honey and bunny

Honey and Bunny. Sonja Stummerer, an accomplished architect and academic, holds a Magister in Architecture from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, studying under Prof. Hans Hollein. Furthering her expertise, she pursued a Master of Arts at the Design Research Lab, Architectural Association London. In 2016, she attained her Ph.D. from Universität Klagenfurt, focusing on «Food Design, Motivation, and Meaning.» As a lecturer at Kepler Universität Linz and the former head of the «Food Design» course at New Design University St. Pölten, she integrates interdisciplinary studies. Stummerer’s contributions extend beyond academia, with notable publications like «Food Futures» and «Wie wir essen – Tischkultur | Geschichte, Design, Klima.

Maria Gemma Sanchez

Universidad Austral, Argentina

Maria Gemma Sanchez, a seasoned academic researcher with a global footprint spanning Argentina, Mexico, Italy, and Chile, also serves as a Strategic Design Consultant for companies and governments. Her multifaceted expertise enables her to navigate diverse cultural and organizational landscapes, delivering tailored solutions that integrate academic rigor with real-world applicability. Through her strategic design consultancy, Maria Gemma facilitates innovation and fosters collaboration between public and private sectors, driving sustainable growth and societal progress. With a deep commitment to excellence and a passion for creating positive change, she continues to make impactful contributions to academia, industry, and public policy domains worldwide.

Helena Martin

Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy (CETT-UB)

Helena Martin, a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Barcelona, channels her passion into upcycling food waste and by-products into delectable products. Her innovative approach aims not only to reduce waste but also to contribute to sustainable gastronomy. Additionally, she is dedicated to enhancing patient well-being through the therapeutic potential of gastronomy, leveraging her scientific expertise to explore the intersection of food and health. Through her work, Helena strives to create positive impacts on both the environment and human health, fostering a more sustainable and nourishing future for all.

Cristina Marino

University of Parma

Dr Cristina Marino is a researcher within the Design team at the University of Parma, where she is a lecturer of the Degree Course in Sustainable Design for the Food System. Her most recent research within the ECOSISTER and ITexTS projects focuses on sustainable food packaging, integrating data-driven systems approaches. At the Polytechnic University of Turin, she led research on eco-packaging, collaborating with industry leaders such as Lavazza, Verallia and Comieco. Her research contributions seamlessly blend research and industrial practices, promoting sustainable development in the food sector. She has authored numerous scientific articles on the topic of packaging and innovation and is a member of CIPAK (Interdepartmental Center for Packaging). During her Ph.D., she held visiting periods at the University of Edinburgh and the Lusófona Lisbon University.