Call for papers

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for EFOOD24, the 4th International Food Design and Food Studies Conference, Experiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Phygital Food Systems. Exploring the innovative intersection of food design and the phygital world. At a time when digital technology and physical experiences are converging, we invite researchers, scholars, practitioners, and enthusiasts to contribute to the discourse on re-imagining the future of food through the lens of phygital design. The organizing institutions invite professors, MA and PhD students, researchers, chefs, professionals, and designers from all disciplines to submit unpublished papers and contributions to the 4th International Food Design and Food Studies Conference, Experiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Phygital Food Systems that will take place in Barcelona, 7/8/9 November, hosted by ELISAVA.

Conference theme:

The EFOOD2024 conference is embarking on a transformative journey around a key subject: Phygital Food Systems. This theme is not merely an academic pursuit, but an inclusive call to action, a that transcends the boundaries of classrooms and lecture halls. It’s a clarion call to humanity, imploring us to recognize the vital role of design in both innovation and the preservation of our planet and our food.

The theme is a bold step toward understanding the immense potential of Phygital solutions. The fusion of the physical and digital realms offers a revolutionary way forward. Phygital food systems promise to bridge the gap between nutritious, affordable diets and the livelihoods of struggling food producers, while addressing the pressing environmental concerns that plague our current practices.

This issue aims to call for a rethinking of our food systems, making innovation and accessible technologies the pillars of our collective efforts. These innovations are not just abstract concepts; they are the key to mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable food practices.

EFOOD2024 aims to redefine the future of food and design by facilitating meaningful discussions, fostering collaboration, and inspiring impactful change in people’s lives. It is a rallying cry, an invitation to harness the limitless potential of Phygital solutions in pursuit of a prosperous, harmonious future for all.

Thematic areas

We are thrilled to present the 7 diverse and exciting conference tracks that will shape our exploration of the Phygital Food Design World. Each track represents a unique avenue for delving into the intersection of gastronomy, digital technology, and innovative food design. As you prepare your submissions, consider how your work aligns with these tracks, fostering an enriching dialogue and paving the way for the future of food systems in the digital age:

Design for Sustainability

Design for Social Innovation

Design for Education

Design for Policies and Communities

Design for Gastronomy

Design for Nutrition and Health

Design for Tourism

Topics of interest (not limited too)

  • New online food connection platforms
  • Social service design digitally promoted
  • Organic material research and digital promotion and dissemination
  • Phygital interfaces in culinary arts and gastronomy
  • Virtual and augmented reality applications in food experiences
  • Digital tools for sustainable food production and consumption
  • Intelligent packaging and interactive food displays
  • Robotics and automation in kitchens and food service
  • User experience design for food applications
  • Data analytics and artificial intelligence in food personalization
  • Online platforms for sharing culinary knowledge and experiences
  • Gamification and interactive storytelling in culinary education
  • Ethical considerations in digital food design
  • Sustainable sourcing and farm-to-table initiatives using digital platforms
  • Green kitchen technologies and their impact on sustainable cooking practices
  • Community-driven food initiatives using digital interfaces
  • Social impact of digital culinary education and awareness programs
  • Online culinary courses and interactive learning platforms
  • Gamified approaches to culinary education and skill development
  • Design for Policies and Communities in the Phygitally Connected Culinary World
  • Data-driven approaches to shaping food policies for healthier communities
  • Digital menus and nutritional apps promoting healthier food choices
  • Augmented reality applications for enhancing nutritional awareness in dining experience
  • Interactive digital guides for wine tourism experiences
  • Virtual reality wine-tasting tours and their impact on tourism industry
  • Phygital and gastro gastronomy events and immersive culinary experiences
  • Digital storytelling in gastronomic experiences, enhancing customer engagement


1st phase

Submission of abstracts (max 500 words) April 8th, 2024. Midnight CET
Submission of abstracts (max 500 words) March 5th, 2024. Midnight CET
Notification of accepted abstracts – April 4th
Notification of accepted abstracts – April 29th, 2024. Midnight CET
Submission of full papers – June 6th 2024. Midnight CET

1. Final papers and project Submission Delayed to:
July 15th, 11.59pm CETT
Reviews will be ready by September 30th

2. Longer version for efood24 special Issue IJFD
September 10th, 11.59pm CETT
Reviews will be ready October 30

3.Uploading the documents for the presentation at efood24
October 25th, 11.59pm CETT
You will receive other instructions duting october

4.Final uploading date for reviewed paper for proceedings
November 15, 11.59pm CETT

5. Final uploading date for reviewed project (we need to print all the posters) September 30, 11.59pm CETT

6- Pitching session: November 9 (morning). Notification selected projects by email on Friday November 8.

Longer version for efood24 special Issue IJFD- September 10th.
For accepted efood24 papers authors remember you have the possibility to submit also a longer version of the paper for the IJFD efood24 special issue, the date to deliver is September 10. To be able to submit for IJFD you need to have submitted the shorter version for the Proceedings.
October 25th for the presentation documents. You will receive clear instructions for this.
We need time for committees to review the papers and projects in order to have the information ready for the authors to be able to finish their proposals before November 15.

Notes for submission:

Guidelines for abstract submission:

  • 500 words maximum (the abstract should state the purpose of the research, methods, principal results and brief conclusions).
  • Structure of the text: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions.
  • The scientific committee will analyze the abstracts and papers, following a blind review process, and select those that demonstrate relevance, originality and adequacy to the proposed themes. It will exclude proposals that do not meet the conference criteria.

IMPORTANT: Including in this fee: The FORK team will also be editing a special issue of EFOOD24 for the International Journal of Food Design published by Intellect UK. Authors willing to submit a paper for the journal need to submit two different papers about the same subject: a short (6/8 pages) paper for the EFOOD24 proceedings and a longer (15/20 pages) paper for the journal submission. Both papers will be peer reviewed.

Important notes:

  • Authors with more than one accepted submission have a 50% discount on the second enrollment.
  • In the case of a submission where there is more than one author, the main author must pay the full registration corresponding to the participation in the conference.
  • Secondary authors should pay only the registration corresponding to the assistance if they want to attend the conference.
  • Observation: If you have special dietary restrictions, special accessibility needs or some important information for your safety that the organization should know, please fulfill this item.
  • Emergency contact (optional).

Submission platform:

To submit the complete article:

It must be in English according to ISI/SCOPUS/WEB of Science indexed Taylor and Francis publisher formatting, which will publish it as a book chapter. It should be on the platform, using the template provided by the editor:

Download a Word document
Dowload a PDF document

You can submit your paper taking into consideration that each author can submit a maximum of 2 papers as the lead author. To be included in the proceedings for the papers or in the catalog for the projects, at least one of the authors should register, attend in person, and present their papers or projects at the conference.

To submit a paper, you need to be a FORK member. All applicants will have a one year free membership. You can become a Forky when you get into the registration form.

Failure to comply with the submission rules set forth in the template will lead to the exclusion of the publication.

Oral presentation:

You will have 15 minutes to present your paper in English. Still, the graphic presentation should be in English too. The graphic and audiovisual material will be delivered in advance (in Keynote, PowerPoint or PDF by October 25, 2024) to be digitally checked by the organization committee. However, the speaker needs to bring the document to the event in PDF, Keynote, or PowerPoint format.

NOTE: Paper and digital publication do not involve the payment of any additional fees, as they are included in the conference registration fee. Sending these elements involves the transmission of publication rights to the organization, notwithstanding that the authors retain the intellectual property. Authorization to publish images is the responsibility of the authors. The deadline for submitting a communication proposal will not be extended unless prior notice is given by the organizing committee.

During the conference, we will have the 2nd edition of the EFOOD24 Awards. One for the best paper, and one for each category of projects will be award it. The 10 best projects, selected by the Innovation committee, will have the opportunity to pitch in front of a jury from the industry on Friday November 8. Selected projects will be advised by email.